You may be wondering why you should read some random blog by some random person… well, I can’t help you there. What I can do is explain what I hope this blog will become, a blog introduction, if you will, and hope you’ll join me.
So how did this blog come to be? It’s a little bit of an understatement to say that I was disappointed in the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. I’m not sure how everyone is coping but I was starting to feel hopeless. I donated to causes I care about but what else can I do? I’m just one person.
Then an idea popped into my brain… why don’t I start a blog? Maybe it’ll help me cope if I write about things that are upsetting me. And because I don’t want to be all gloom and doom, I’ll also write about other random topics that come up in my life. If this sounds somewhat interesting to you, welcome to my blog!
Photo by Pixabay